Friday, March 18, 2011

Think Big: "Create Your Reality"-Written By Dede Henley

Your words, your thoughts create your reality.  Do you know this?

Most of us have no desire for that level of daily accountability, to say “Yes I created ____” (fill in the blank).  We tell ourselves it is so much easier to simply blame others,  our circumstances, or current situations for why life isn’t working.  Consider that this power, that we indeed create our life, may be good news!  I invite you to consider this idea, to play with it as a means to truly step into your highest leadership.

If you knew you could create your reality, then what would you create? 

Think big, be outrageous, have fun!  Byron Katie offers "It is the story we tell ourselves about our life that is the problem, not our life".  It all begins with a thought, a story, an idea.  You can change the world – we start first with yours.

I’m not talking about goals, though that may be part of it.  Consider what would give you a life you love.  See if you can identify what’s not working right now and whether or not you can change it.  If it’s not changeable, what are the “walls”, the immovable things in it?  Examine your own thoughts.  Do you have any limiting beliefs, thoughts that may be keeping you stuck?  What is the story you are telling yourself?

Begin to create a reality that works for you.  Think big.  Create the ideal job, the ideal relationship, the perfect environment for you, the lifestyle you love, the circle of friends you want to be surrounded by, the adventures and experiences that will uplift you.  You grow and expand what you pay attention to. 

We invite you spend time on and pay attention to a life that works for you. Write it down and read it out loud at least once a day for 40 days.  You’ll be amazed what you can create!

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